Crate Games
Stage 1:
I Love My Crate!
Goal: Build Value for being in the crate.
Rehearse proper mechanics:
Open crate latch with the hand closet to door
One treat in opposite hand.
Feed high & at the back (swift & deliberate).
Stand up and latch the crate between each
repetition. Repeat 5-10 times.
Move to Stage 2 only if your dog is choosing to sit when you touch the latch.
How To
Only put your hand on door if the dog is behaving appropriately.
Placement of rewards is very important- don’t feed if the dog is in a down.
Do not help by luring the cookie from the nose to the top of the crate or by cueing “sit”.
Watch for the first sign that the dog is going to move forward to leave the crate and gently close the door.
Do not allow the dog out of the crate until Stage 3.
Keep a high rate of reinforcement.
Important Points
Stage 2:
Are You a Gambler?
Goal: Continue to build value. The dog eagerly holds position during distractions.
Increase the challenge, but you want the dog to be correct (and sometimes feed right away).
Mix up mild distractions:
Add duration: Open door & delay feeding.
Add a little distance.
Change your body position.
Drop cookie just in front of the crate. Reward your dog’s good choice by picking up the cookie and hand feeding it to your dog.
Pick up leash & snap the clip.
Any forward movement - close the door.
Repeat 5-10 times.
Keep a high rate of reinforcement.
How To
Have a very clear criteria - no grey areas.
DO NOT DRILL or you will lose the dog’s enthusiasm.
It is okay to feed through the top of a wire crate, but the stimulus of the crate door opening must happen first.
With success, the door doesn’t have to close each time.
Don’t block the dog - be confident & allow the dog to make choices.
Keep one hand on the door, don’t allow the dog to escape.
If the dog constantly fails, return to Stage 1 for more value.
Important Points
Stage 3:
You’re Out - You’re In!
Goal: Enthusiastic choices from the dog.
Clear environment of any reinforcement before releasing dog.
Clip on leash and stand on end.
Pause & reinforce dog for holding position.
Give release cue only once & encourage dog out.
Stand up, turn & face the crate & patiently wait.
When dog returns to in crate; lots of praise & high value treats.
Have dog stay in crate for more sessions of “door open and you don’t leave”.
Want the dog to offer to go into crate. It is his choice.
The Collar Grab Game:
After release, grab collar, give low value cookie, rev dog up by pulling back on the collar & let go
Immediately reward with high value reward in crate.
Gradually move in arc around the crate.
How To
Be patient & let the dog make his own choices.
Do not acknowledge the dog when he is outside the crate.
Resist temptation to cue or help.
Go wild with praise & treats when the dog goes back into crate-do not wait for sit or down-immediate reinforcement!
If dog doesn’t choose to go in the crate after 2 minutes, restrict environment by holding the collar in the front of the crate.
The pressure on the collar must always be away from the crate.
Only start adding distance (1-2 feet at a time) if the dog is enthusiastic.
Add mild distractions, building on success.
Resist the temptation to cue or help.